What Fill My Soul

I have thought about this often, but didn’t have the words for it until today.

Much of my life is preparation—me preparing for what will happen the next day or the next week or next month.

This week is a perfect example.

I prepared for tomorrow’s focus group:

  • Writing the last chapter.
  • Making cupcakes.

Preparation for the kids coming home this weekend:

  • Cleaning.
  • Planning the menu for the weekend.
  • Grocery shopping.
  • Laundry.
  • Planting flowers.

All of the above are preparation for some of the best parts of my life.

I would love to for more of my life be the fun parts—the people parts. But that is not reality. This season of life requires lots of preparation and alone time on my part. I am happy to do the preparation. However, my soul is filled up with the fun parts—the parts with the people face-to-face.

The question I must answer is what will be my perspective on the time spent in preparation? It is as much a part of God’s plan for my life as the times I get to speak to a group of women and be with my family and friends.

I am reminded of a quote from Denzel Washington (I use this often so if you’ve heard it before, I apologize!). Denzel’s dad used to tell him, “Do what you got to do so you can do what you want to do.” This is exactly where I am. I am not talking about shying away from work. I am a hard worker. I want to get the work done so I can play (and Mom says, “You’re welcome!”).

I am talking about what fills my soul. Making a connection with people–whether it is teaching a Bible study, heart-to-heart conversations with friends, talking about sentimental things with store clerks, or just being with my family–is one of my favorite things!

I’m not sure where I wanted this blog to go. Maybe it’s this—life, at least my life now, is more about alone time in preparation. The time spent with people is the icing on my cake.

It is helpful for me to understand this season and find peace and joy in it.

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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