Permission to Be You

“Thank you for being so real.” Women make this comment to me many times after I speak. I love it. It means they heard my heart and we made a connection. But more than that I trust it means that they joined in my journey with God and that experience […]


Are You a Backstage Parent?

“The parent who plays the part of the backstage director, coordinating every little thing in the production of their child’s journey, will remain in a state of disappointment and worry. His child will not grow into a confident, wise adult. Since he has not had the opportunity to learn from […]


Was Your Mother’s Day like a Hallmark Card or a Guilt Trip?

This sad, guilty face belongs on a dog, not a mom! Recently while cleaning out one of my dresser drawers, I found one of the many “contracts” my husband, Gene, and I made with our daughter Katie to encourage better behavior and family relationships. Katie’s high school years were turbulent. […]