My Life-Giving Day

The past few days I’ve been mulling over the phrase “life-giving.” God placed this phrase in my path twice in one day. Both times it was spoken/written by women I deeply respect, admire, and aspire to be like. So I thought God might be trying to tell me something—like “pay […]


Why I’m Living Life Strong till I’m 97

Lately I’ve been posting videos on my social media to encourage women in my area to come to a focus/study group I’m teaching for my new book proposal material. (Above is a screenshot of one.*) I’m not especially comfortable making the videos. I’m more of a face-to-face-use-more-words kinda person. But […]


God to me, “What if. . .”

This cheesecake is for the weekend. Some of the kids will be home and they love cheesecake. Also Kelsey and her family are moving—just a few minutes from where they currently live. It will be wild and crazy and I can’t wait. But something else happened today that is also […]


Yesterday’s Blog Today

I tried to write this blog last night. But it wouldn’t come or maybe more accurately, my mind was so bone-tired I couldn’t think. As you know we had The Grand Sunday night. We kept him yesterday while his mama and daddy worked. Everything I tried to write sounded the […]


A Tired Day, but a Good Day

We hosted small group tonight. We love our group. I gotta tell you I started the day tired. By the time I finished cleaning and prepping for group, the fatigue caught up with me tonight. I felt bad yawning halfway through the evening. But our time tonight was worth the […]


Why I Don’t and Won’t Live on Social Media

I often feel like Wilma Flintstone when it comes to navigating effect social media. It’s just not my thing. I often ask myself, “What is my purpose on social media? What do I post? What is silly? What is helpful? What helps my reader get to know me?” My purpose […]


Navigating Changes in Your Holiday Traditions

“So how was your Thanksgiving?”, a friend at church asked me Sunday morning. She meant it to be pleasant small talk and she really did care. I started my reply with the usual, “Good, thanks for asking”, but before I knew it feelings that I thought were neatly tucked away […]


What Will God Say to You When You Are Quiet?

  The past few months I’ve been stumped in regards to what God had next for me to do. I expected God to speak to me in ways similar to what He had in the past—a big compelling. I have been doing my best to do what I knew to […]


What to Do When You’re Discouraged

I’m back writing after a few days off recovery from what I affectionately call a “tune-up”—necessary but not life-threatening surgery. Wow, it’s tough getting the writing to flow after anesthesia-brain, much TV watching (did you know the Olympics are on for seven hours a day—and that’s just one station?!), napping, […]