The Unspoken Obstacle to Friendship We All Deal With

At first I thought it was just me. But then I saw two videos about it on social media. If something makes it to becoming a video on social media then it’s a real issue, right?! The thing I thought was just me is awkwardness in making new friends. With […]


Happy to be that Person

The Grand lined up his two blue balls right next to each other in the backyard this afternoon. I took this picture just as he left them. He likes things in order. He does not like “messy.” He says it like, “Messy?”, as if to ask—“Aren’t you going to clean […]


Yesterday’s Blog Today

I tried to write this blog last night. But it wouldn’t come or maybe more accurately, my mind was so bone-tired I couldn’t think. As you know we had The Grand Sunday night. We kept him yesterday while his mama and daddy worked. Everything I tried to write sounded the […]


What I Told Your Daughter

This past weekend I experienced a first. I spoke at a high school girls’ retreat. Yes, I have had teen girls in my audiences, but this was the first time teen girls were my primary audience. We had a ball! My heart’s desire was for these girls to know how […]


Navigating Changes in Your Holiday Traditions

“So how was your Thanksgiving?”, a friend at church asked me Sunday morning. She meant it to be pleasant small talk and she really did care. I started my reply with the usual, “Good, thanks for asking”, but before I knew it feelings that I thought were neatly tucked away […]


Why I’m Not Slowing Down at 57 (almost)!

“Musicians don’t retire. They stop when there’s no more music in them.” Louis Armstrong Earlier this year I thought maybe God was trying to tell me I was finished with the writing/speaking thing. Then through a number of ways He showed me, no, He was not. The above quote is […]


Why Your Kids Need Confidence

A couple of weeks ago I posted a blog about how my confidence level affected my girls’ confidence. As I thought about helping my kids have confidence and how to do that, I realized in order for our kids to become confident and not cocky we need to first discuss […]


Why Your Daughter Needs You to be Comfortable in Your Own Skin

After years of wearing my hair short, I am growing it out. At times I don’t recognize the woman in the mirror or pictures. Recently while looking at family pictures with one of the girls, I made a negative comment about how my hair looked. My daughter scolded me (in […]