Small Action–Big Change



Today on Amazon I saw a book title that included the words “small choices lead to big changes.” It started my thought process.

What small actions in parenting lead to big changes in our kids?  I won’t make a list because lists can be overwhelming and when we’re overwhelmed nothing changes. I will talk about only one action. The action of seeing your child as the unique, adorable child God made her to be.


If you’ve read some of my stuff you have heard me say that I’ve kept Katie’s kindergarten picture on the side of the fridge for years. Even on the really hard days of her young adult years, the picture of that sweet, red-curly-haired girl with the half-smile for the school photographer reminded me of the little girl still in my at-the-time-exasperating daughter.


When we see our child as God sees him, we can take the next small action to love on him today.

  • A peck on the cheek.
  • Make his favorite cookies.
  • A compliment.
  • A little hug.
  • Sitting without any screens and giving him your full attention while he talks or just sips his Coke.
  • Before she rushes out the door in the morning look into her beautiful eyes and say, “I believe in you.”

Small ideas, I know.

But imagine if someone did one of them for you with all the love they had for you. You would feel it. You would know you were loved. Knowing you’re loved always brings big changes in us.

PS—I know there is a list above. Pick one to do, thus it’s not a to-do list, but options.

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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