What You May Have Missed in April’s Newsletter

April’s newsletter about discovering and defining your personal mission statement was one of my most popular. I believe it is one of the most important I have written. If you do not receive my newsletter I do not want you to miss this message. This blog shares excerpts from the […]


Why I Love the Book–Capital Gaines

This Chip Gaines guy is a whole lot of serious wrapped up in a whole lot of faith and fun. For Christmas Gene gave me Capital Gaines: Smart Things I Learned Doing Stupid Stuff. In January I devoured it. I would love to read this book alongside you, commenting on each page […]


Changing My Focus for the Next Half of My Life

Tonight at supper I had an epiphany. You might think I’ve said this before and maybe I have. But tonight it came to me in a fresh way that helped me process more clearly. The thought came to me of things I am done with. I thought, “Here I am […]


Making Room for What’s Next

This afternoon Gene and I waged phase II of our war on the Japanese beetles that have invaded our yard for the past five years. Saturday afternoon I pruned our rose bushes and other flowers. The poor roses were being ravaged by the Japanese beetles. Sadly I had to cut […]


Why Have Daily Habits?

This is a quote from our pastor, Jake Mills. Yesterday he spoke on how to develop spiritual habits so we are doers/defenders of our faith and not just talkers about our faith. He acknowledged what he shared was not new, but pretty simple. Yet, most of us don’t have the […]


My Life-Giving Day

The past few days I’ve been mulling over the phrase “life-giving.” God placed this phrase in my path twice in one day. Both times it was spoken/written by women I deeply respect, admire, and aspire to be like. So I thought God might be trying to tell me something—like “pay […]


The Life God Had for Me Today

Today did not go as planned. I started my day with a tidy to-do list. It wasn’t overly ambitious but I would have definitely felt a certain satisfaction had I completed it. But then. . . The phone rang. . .and my to-do list went bye-bye. I wasn’t happy about it. […]


Finding the Thankfuls in Today

Today has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And the emotion that runs through every part of this day is thankfulness. The first part of my day was spent in a cozy room at the church with the faithful women in the focus group for my new book proposal. I […]


What Will God Say to You When You Are Quiet?

  The past few months I’ve been stumped in regards to what God had next for me to do. I expected God to speak to me in ways similar to what He had in the past—a big compelling. I have been doing my best to do what I knew to […]