Virtual Bible Study–Week 6–Doing Relationships Well in the Midst of a Pandemic


The past few weeks have been a challenge in many ways and especially in our relationships. Many of us have lots of time with the same people while desperately missing others. And as such, we have not been the best version of ourselves. We don’t have access to the usual things that help us recharge–time alone, time with friends, our favorite coffee shop or boutique. We can’t even get together in person for church or weekly Bible study. All of these things matter. Being in person with others is so important. Today we will talk about doing all of our relationships well.


Colossians 3:12-15,17

Philippians 4:6-7

John 14:27

Daniel 9:20-23, 10:1-14


Emily’s Awesome Post for the Week:

Today I’m choosing:

– To NOT engage on facebook with either side of the stay at home/get back out there debate. If you want to know my complicated and winding thoughts, text or call (text. I don’t really answer my phone).

– To GIVE generously of grace and forgiveness and understanding.

– To FIND good in this ongoing stressful time.

– To LOVE my circle extravagantly.

– To BE present.

– To REMEMBER we are all unique and the way we respond to crisis and chaos is unique, as well.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you felt the strain on relationships? Without sharing more than you should, in what way?
  2. Have you experienced the divisiveness in relationships because of differing perspectives? How has it affected your relationships? Share only as you are comfortable.
  3. How have you been to live with?
  4. Looking at the Colossians passage for this question and the next, what is your calling in regards to your relationships in this trying time?
  5. How can you be wise in nurturing your relationships in this time?
  6. From the passages in Philippians, John, and Colossians 3:15, what is God’s promise regarding peace?
  7. Are you living in God’s peace in this time? How is your peace or lack of peace affecting your relationships? How would accepting the peace of Christ change the way you are doing relationships now?
  8. What, if anything, from the lesson or Scripture spoke to you that you want to share?


Footnote from John 14:27, NLT Study Bible: “With Christ’s peace we have no need to fear the present or the future. Sin, fear, uncertainty, doubt, and numerous other forces are at war within us. The peace of God moves into our hearts and lives to restrain these hostile forces and offer comfort in place of conflict. Jesus says He will give us that peace if we are willing to accept it from Him.”

Link to sign up for our Zoom group



Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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