It’s Day Two–What Now?

It’s Day Two after the retreat I spoke at for the Family Church in Sutherlin, OR. I had a fabulous time, and from what the women shared with me, they did too. In the couple of days they were away from their regular lives they were able to hear more clearly from God. He spoke into their aching hearts truth, courage, wisdom, and what to do next. They were refreshed and looked forward to living the truths God showed them.

For me yesterday, Monday, was a day of catch up. Still kinda numb from fatigue, but doing what needed to be done. But today, Tuesday, the second day after the retreat, I got up and found the old ways trying to creep in and push out the new truths I intended to make my new reality. I wonder if some of the Family Church women experienced the same thing. The emotions have settled. We are back in the dailiness of life. Today is the day we will make the decision to keep living what we learned or we will let it slip away and be only a warm, fuzzy memory.

I’m choosing live the truths we learned. This morning in my journal I made a list of the truths we learned. I meditated on them and the corresponding Scripture. Here are a few truths we learned and a few God brought to mind this morning:

  • Life is always going to be crazy, frustrating, and hard. It’s just that way.*
  • God loves me. I can rely on that. 1 John 4:16
  • God’s love means He does His best for me, which is my best.
  • God is not holding out on me. Psalm 84:11
  • God’s timing is perfect.
  • “for apart from Me you can do nothing.” Jesus’ reminder to me in John 15:5. It’s back to abiding. That’s where we really live and make a difference in our world and for the kingdom.
  • By abiding and living in Him I will have Christ’s joy to the full measure. John 15:11.
  • God and Jesus are always working in my life, even when I can’t see it and circumstances say otherwise. John 5:17

These truths are powerful for all of us—yes, even for those who were not at the retreat.

How will you live on Day Two? Will you settle back into the same routine? Or will you choose even one of these truths to meditate on and believe?

For those who were not at the retreat—what truth has God impacted you with lately or from a past conference and you haven’t made it part of your life yet? It’s Day Two what will you do with that truth today?

I’d love to hear what truth God spoke to you either last weekend or any other time that you will incorporate into your life today.

*Tim Thompson, Worship Director, Sherwood Oaks Christian Church, Bloomington, IN.

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

One thought on “It’s Day Two–What Now?

  1. I love the truth from Psalm 84:11 where it states “God is not holding out on me. Having attended the mentioned retreat, I came to the realization that God is NOT holding out on me that I am holding out on Him. I am the one that has stayed in my comfort zone for so long because of the fear of failure, the fear of not doing something right, and the fear of the unknown. Right now I am at this huge transition in my life from working outside the home to not working outside the home. I am also trying to maintain a balance to just enjoying my family and also doing what I need to do and not get too obsessed with my projects around the house. I am realizing the importance of spending quiet time with God whether the time is spent in His Word or if the time is spent just listening to our Father and not go back to how life was pre-retreat.

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