Why You Should Never Go In My Laundry Room

This is me working in the yard this afternoon. I had yet to venture out into the jungle known as our yard. Gene has been mowing, but I had not begun the after-winter cleanup. Lots of reasons why—poor weather, busy with more important things/people.

I have lots of things in my life that fall into that category—important to me, but not near the top of the list. As a result my someday to-do list grows. A few of the things on the list:

  • Really clean out the laundry/storage room.
  • Really clean out the garage.
  • Sew a dress I have had cut out for I can’t tell you how many years. I’m pretty sure it’s still in style.
  • Organize storage closet—the one off the kitchen where a broom or plastic sacks may attack you on any given day.
  • I would love to have a pretty, plentiful garden.
  • And, yes, please, could someone do something with all my gift-wrapping supplies!

This list gnaws at me on a bad day and makes me feel less than. I know lots of people who have their homes in perfect order.

On those bad days I remember why I don’t have my home in perfect order. My life is mostly about the people I love and doing what God has called me to do. My home is neat, clean, and welcoming. That is what is important because my home is where much of my people-loving and ministry happens.

We have only so much time in our lives. I have a feeling my someday to-do list will never be completed—by me.


Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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