Why This Picture Makes Me Happy

The past couple of days have been more preparation days.

Sidebar—As I do my daily weekday blogs, I continue to be amazed at how much time I spend preparing for events in my life—kids coming home, friends coming over, meals, trips, speaking or writing, etc.

Of late I have been preparing for a little surgery tomorrow. Not a big deal at all. A cyst is coming off my foot. Since I will be on the couch for a few days I wanted my surroundings to be happy. For me this time of year that can only mean one thing—fall decorating!

I usually do fall decorating on Labor Day weekend so I’m not too early. I don’t know how to explain it, but fall makes me happy. I love the coziness it brings.

The above picture makes me happy for lots of reasons. First, I grew the sunflowers in my “accidental garden.” I am always especially thankful for anything pretty or tasty that comes from my yard.

Next the white pumpkins and gordish things also came from my “accidental garden.” Last Thanksgiving we threw the pumpkins into the garden and these are the result.

(Pumpkin chunkin on Thanksgiving afternoon is another Garrison tradition. The family stands on the deck and takes turns throwing the pumpkins into the garden. The pumpkins are really bouncy so the goal is to get yours to stay in the garden.)

The wood slice is from a wild goose adventure Gene took me on several years ago. I was pretty upset at the time, but got over it quickly when we found our treasure of several wood slices of various sizes.

The candleholders are new from Hobby Lobby yesterday while having one last fun day out with Kelsey and The Grand.

The one thing in this picture that truly warms my heart is the light green “Cinderella” pumpkin. The dear couple that owns the veggie stand near us cut this pumpkin (and a few others) early so I could decorate for fall before my surgery. I don’t know what to say. How incredibly sweet! I felt so loved. Maybe too strong of a word for my veggie stand owners, but I definitely felt cared for.

I also bought a couple of amazing pumpkin candles yesterday. I am set for several days at home.

I hope you love fall even half as much as I do. Throw together a pile of pumpkins and a good smelling candle. Then stand back and smile. Soak in the joy.

I’ll post again in a few days.

Thanks so much for reading! I appreciate you!

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

2 thoughts on “Why This Picture Makes Me Happy

  1. I bought sunflowers today too! And I *almost* bought a couple of pumpkins…but then I restrained myself for at least another week! It feels strange buying pumpkins when it’s 90F outside!!!

    1. Oh my! That is warm! I splurged on pumpkins early this year since I had my foot surgery planned for September 1. I wanted to enjoy the house decorated for fall while recuperating–and I have!

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