Things I Want My Girls to Know–I Pray for You–A Lot

Yes, I know—Monday I wrote about praying for my girls. Today I want to encourage them with what that means—being prayed for.

Girls, years ago when Katie was in first grade and struggling in the first couple of weeks, another mom challenged me to pray for her every time I passed the school. Her challenge prompted me to pray for you all throughout the day.


Yes, I pray for you in the morning. I write down things you’ve shared with me and things in your life I see, asking God to work in and through to bring His best for you. But also throughout the day when you come to mind, I pray for you.

You know how your mom likes to talk and how she can carry on when she’s passionate about something. Then you can only imagine how she continually is talking to God about you. You are ever before His throne. His eye is ever on you.

I hope this brings you comfort, peace, and encouragement. I hope you know you are never alone no matter what you are going through. You are covered in your mom’s prayers. God is by your side and working on your behalf. I hope the reality of being covered in prayer makes you untouchable by discouragement or lies from the enemy.

I don’t understand how prayer works. But I do know that in the Gospels Jesus often encouraged us to pray and to pray persistently. Jesus often prayed. In John 17 He prayed for us. Since Jesus spent that much time talking about prayer and praying, 

That’s why. . .

  • I pray for you after we’ve talked on the phone and your heart is breaking. Mine is too so I share that with God.
  • I pray when you’re studying for a test or preparing for an interview.
  • I pray strength for your hard day.
  • I pray wisdom and discernment for all life brings you.
  • I pray safety for you—often.
  • I pray you learn life’s lessons well but with as little pain as possible.
  • I pray I will be the mom you need.
  • I pray for God to provide all you need.

When I lack wisdom of what to pray, the Holy Spirit takes over. Romans 8:26 says, “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” I can just say your name before God and you’re prayed for by the Holy Spirit in the perfect way. Romans 8:27 goes on to say, “And He who searches our hearts know the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.” Ahh. . .exactly what I want and would pray if I knew what that was.

Let this encourage and comfort you as you continue on your amazing life journeys.

PS—Caleb, this is for you too!

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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