The Real Reason We Don’t Pray

In the past couple of weeks God has made it clear to me how little I talk to Him throughout the day. I start my day with prayer, but as the day goes on I talk to myself instead, trying to figure out how and when I’ll do something. Of late God’s been whispering to me, “Why don’t you ask Me?” Sometimes I’m reluctant. Why? A couple reasons—I would need to slow down, pray, and listen. My “go-for-the-gusto” personality would rather keep going a hundred miles an hour. It’s a discipline for me to s-l-o-w d-o-w-n my mind and spirit so I can talk to God and then hear what He says to me.

Sunday our pastor touched on this in his message. He gave the challenge to be open to what God has for us. He challenged us to pray, then to sit and listen to what God says. There is nothing mystical about this. Just honest and real communication with God. We talk, then we listen. My pastor went on to make the point that sometimes we don’t hear God because we have no intention of doing what He says. It’s our heart’s issues that keep up from having close relationship with God and limiting His activity in our lives.

I found that rather sobering. If I ask God for wisdom or direction, I better be ready to do what He says. How often would my stubborn self-will rather wrestle out the situation on its own?

  • I’m working on the discipline of going to God. So when a concern for one of my girls comes to mind God whispers to me, “Give it to Me.”
  • When I start to feel overwhelmed with wedding details, God says, “Give it to Me.”
  • When I don’t have a clue what to blog about that will be helpful, God says, “Ask Me.”
  • When I am tempted to worry over my girls’ physical safety, God says, “Put them in My Hands.”

I have to be real with you. As I listen to God’s whispers and truly slow down, pray, and listen, God is giving me answers. Yes, we will have times where God is silent for whatever reason. But often it seems God is silent because we have not done our part to slow down, pray, and listen with a heart that is willing to obey. It’s not natural for us, but it is life changing.

How hard is it for you to talk to God and listen for His answers?

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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