Finding Your New Normal for 2018

With 2018 only hours away, I cannot imagine planning out a whole year at once as some people do. That is great and something their careers/life may require. But not me. I easily become overwhelmed trying to plan a whole year at once. My new year is almost a blank […]


Changing My Focus for the Next Half of My Life

Tonight at supper I had an epiphany. You might think I’ve said this before and maybe I have. But tonight it came to me in a fresh way that helped me process more clearly. The thought came to me of things I am done with. I thought, “Here I am […]


Making Room for What’s Next

This afternoon Gene and I waged phase II of our war on the Japanese beetles that have invaded our yard for the past five years. Saturday afternoon I pruned our rose bushes and other flowers. The poor roses were being ravaged by the Japanese beetles. Sadly I had to cut […]


Why Have Daily Habits?

This is a quote from our pastor, Jake Mills. Yesterday he spoke on how to develop spiritual habits so we are doers/defenders of our faith and not just talkers about our faith. He acknowledged what he shared was not new, but pretty simple. Yet, most of us don’t have the […]


Enjoy the Crazy

A little bit of everything–I think the new normal for this crazy wonderful season of life is a little bit of everything everyday. Today I worked on preparation for our staycation. I can’t wait to show you what I’m doing and the finished product. But first the kids need to […]


More Thoughts on Life-Giving

I continue to be challenged by the words—life-giving. Yesterday I listened to Anita Lustrea’s podcast. She and her guest, Sharon Swing—discussed in part that which is life-giving. It was a helpful and thought-provoking discussion. Being the writer person that I am, I followed Anita and Sharon’s prompt and started a few […]


Katie and My Nudge

Today was full of wonderful time with family—lots of work, but good. I helped take care of Harvey this afternoon while Kelsey and Gene worked on Kelsey and Caleb’s house. Gene and I are thrilled to be a part of their dream. But first today I was blessed by our […]


The Life God Had for Me Today

Today did not go as planned. I started my day with a tidy to-do list. It wasn’t overly ambitious but I would have definitely felt a certain satisfaction had I completed it. But then. . . The phone rang. . .and my to-do list went bye-bye. I wasn’t happy about it. […]


Little Bit of Everything Today

Wow. Today was a little bit of lots of things. First, I finished the last chapter for the last time the focus group meets on Friday. I am sad to see it come to an end. I have loved getting to know these women. I am honored they have given […]