Ready to Be Blessed?

Position Yourself to Be Blessed By God

My mom once jokingly commented to me that she would not want to be one of my friends because it seemed the criteria was hard life circumstances. She was right. Most of my bosom buddies have experienced very hard times in their lives.

  • A husband sick with a brain tumor for seven years, died leaving his wife and four kids elementary school age through college.
  • Another husband died in a car accident leaving his wife and two teen sons.
  • A friend’s baby died within hours of birth.
  • Another friend showed grace, love, and respect through years of a difficult marriage.


One of the many life lessons I learned from them was how they positioned themselves to be blessed in hard times. My friends did not wear fake everything-is-fine masks. They were real with their inner circle regarding their struggles and stresses. However, their attitude was one that showed they trusted God.

Catherine’s husband was sick for seven years before cancer claimed his life. Seven years is almost all of a preschooler’s childhood. Catherine never knew how long her husband had to live. She watched him slowly slip away from her and the children. However, she did all she could to keep life normal for them and herself. She attended the kids’ activities. She met friends for lunch. I was often one of the friends she met for lunch. Our conversation would land for only a few moments on Brian’s illness. Then she went on to talk about the usual stuff women and moms talk about. Yes, She had hard days. She did not understand why her husband who loved and served God and his family was taken so young.  More than once she broke down in our small prayer group, but Brian’s illness did not define her life. She did not grow bitter or self-absorbed. She cared about others and showed it. As a result, people wanted to be in her life. They wanted to do what they could to help. She let them. When she had a specific need she let the church and friends know and graciously accepted their help.

Another of my friends experienced a difficult marriage. Again she did not discuss this with many. She did not wear the poor-me-ask-what’s-wrong-in-my-life face. She enjoyed life and people. She is someone that people seek out for encouragement and guidance. Her difficult marriage did not define her or her life.

My friends did several things right to position themselves to be blessed in the midst of lengthy trials. They adopted a posture where they:

  • Turned over their problems, uncertainties, and lack of understanding to God. They didn’t try to fix everything or have all the answers.
  • Realized that even though their circumstances were all-consuming, the world did not revolved around them. They stayed interested, caring, and involved in others’ lives.
  • Did all they could do for themselves and then asked for help to do what they couldn’t.
  • Prayed, asking God for help and looking expectantly for it with each challenge or need.
  • They accepted help—meals, money for bills, invitations to eat out, special invitations for the kids to have fun.

If you’re going through a hard time, have you positioned yourself to be blessed by God? If not, today will you start by honestly talking with God about your feelings and your situation and then give it over to Him? I know it’s not easy, but it’s a start.





Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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