Help Wanted

Recently I was a guest in a small group of college young women. They went around the table and shared their stresses of the week. One woman shared her frustration with the people she worked with in ministry. She felt she was doing most of the work. When she told them she was going to step out of the ministry because she was doing all the work, they praised her and tried to convince her not to leave.

She told them, “I don’t want your praise. I just want your help. I can’t do it all myself.”

Her words are so true for many areas of a woman’s life—family, work, ministry, even friend groups. We don’t need special attention; we need help. We can’t do it all.

However, many of us women are not as bold as this young woman. We don’t ask for help. We keep piling on work and stress until we snap or our health demands we stop. Often we feel it’s easier to do the work ourselves so it’s done “right.” But God created us to live in community. Jesus being God could have easily worked alone and got it done with less frustration. But He chose to work in community. He gave us the privilege of serving in His kingdom.

What’s keeping you from asking for help? Talk to God about it. Maybe it’s:

* Pride

* Fear of the other person’s response

* Control issue

Ask God to give you humility to ask for help.

Then ask for help. In her book, I Quit!, Geri Scazzero, teaches to communicate “the truth respectfully, honestly, directly, and clearly.”* Following Geri’s advice, specifically tell the other person what you need from them. People are more eager to help when they know what’s being asked and that it has a beginning and end.

Thank them. Yes, we all need appreciation. It goes a long way in building community.

What area of your life was improved by asking for and receiving help?

Next Blog—Knowing what’s your responsibility and what’s someone else’s.

*Geri Scazzero, I Quit!, Zondervan, 2010, page 58.

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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