Fierce (and maybe not so fierce) Women of the Bible

Yesterday I read a couple of blogs regarding women’s roles in the church and their satisfaction with their roles. The authors presented interesting and challenging information they said was backed by biblical truth.

(Sidebar here: You know how we women can have 20 million thoughts going through our head at once and we’re able to connect the ones that connect to each other and then make sense of it all? That’s what happened in my brain as I was reading the previously mentioned blogs. Keep that in mind as you read on).

While I was reading,  I was also processing my thoughts/prayers for direction on my next study in the Word. For weeks I had spent my time in the Word being mentored by a couple of great authors through their books. But now I was ready to get back in the Word—just me and the Holy Spirit.

The points the authors made in their blogs intrigued me, and true to my inquisitive-got-to-know-if-what-you’re-saying-is-true personality, I thought Why not check out what these guys are saying for myself. So I decided to start my own study through the Bible. I started this morning. My plan is (unless God redirects) to go through the Bible and study every woman as I come upon her. I have a list of questions (below) that will help me understand each woman better and learn from her good and not so good examples.

If you’re looking for your next study, please join me and share what you learn here or on my facebook “fan” page. I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to use these questions and share them with your friends (just remember where you found them!). I’ll post my thoughts here as well.

Looking forward to an exciting, insightful journey with the fierce (and maybe not so fierce) women of the Bible!

Questions for Study:

1. Who is the woman?

2. What’s her story?

3. How did she deal with her situation?

4. What were her emotions in the situation?

5. What did God say to her? How did the Word instruct her?

6. How did the man in the story relate to her? Was he a godly man fulfilling his role?

7. Did she honor, trust, and obey God? What were the results?

8. What can I learn from her—good or not so good?

9. How did she do her female relationships—healthy, unhealthy? What can I learn from her?

Copyright, 2012, Brenda Garrison

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

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