If I Could Say One Thing to You in the Midst of Your Trial . . .

My loved ones and I are going through a hard time. I won’t give details for two reasons. One because they are not mine to give. And two because if I give my details the temptation is for you to turn your focus from your life to my situation, ignoring […]


Enjoy the Crazy

A little bit of everything–I think the new normal for this crazy wonderful season of life is a little bit of everything everyday. Today I worked on preparation for our staycation. I can’t wait to show you what I’m doing and the finished product. But first the kids need to […]


How I Enjoyed Today.

I bought this plate at a local gift shop this week. It spoke to me. It said, “Hey, Brenda, I’m perfect for you. Remember your video.” Well, maybe the plate didn’t talk to me. Maybe it was the Holy Spirit reminding me of how perfect it was for me, because […]


The Word for Today is. . .

Today’s word is grace. It softened all the hard edges in my day. In every conversation, book I read, and thought, I was made aware of how I (we) are in constant need of grace from others and ourselves, and how it needs to flow from us to others and […]


The Life God Had for Me Today

Today did not go as planned. I started my day with a tidy to-do list. It wasn’t overly ambitious but I would have definitely felt a certain satisfaction had I completed it. But then. . . The phone rang. . .and my to-do list went bye-bye. I wasn’t happy about it. […]


Another Delightful Day

This little boy was my day—my whole day. We played outside, went for a walk with Pops and the puppy, played inside, watched Daniel Tiger, and changed many diapers. Yep, I’ve written a blog similar to this one a few times. Each day with The Grand is an adventure—fun and […]


Yesterday’s Blog Today

I tried to write this blog last night. But it wouldn’t come or maybe more accurately, my mind was so bone-tired I couldn’t think. As you know we had The Grand Sunday night. We kept him yesterday while his mama and daddy worked. Everything I tried to write sounded the […]


Finding the Thankfuls in Today

Today has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And the emotion that runs through every part of this day is thankfulness. The first part of my day was spent in a cozy room at the church with the faithful women in the focus group for my new book proposal. I […]