Ask One More Question

Today I had a short date with my dear friend. (You’ll remember from a previous blog that we get together every so often and meet for just one sharing-packed hour.) As we stood and chatted while she perked our coffee, I quietly worried that we wouldn’t have enough time for all the deep things we needed to say today. Wow, I was wrong.

We caught up on our latest and then I said, “I need some therapy.” Friends-of-the-heart are so good for that, aren’t they?

I shared with her my current state, not exactly knowing what it is. I shared with her that an opportunity was presented to me in which I had no interest. I did not feel the stirring of my heart that I usually experience with an opportunity that seems like a good fit.

My dear friend said, “Let’s explore this.” She asked a few questions. I gave her the obstacles I thought I would face and why it wouldn’t be a good fit.

She then gave me this profound advice—

“Maybe you need to ask one more question. Maybe you quit before you had the information you needed to make an informed decision.”

Immediately I knew she was right. I dismissed this opportunity because I wasn’t sure what all it would entail, but I didn’t want to know. I dismissed it because it doesn’t look like what I expect is God’s path for me.

How often do we do that in life? We dismiss something because we have our imagined reasons or we can’t see ourselves doing whatever it is.

I would hate to start a list here of the I-will-never’s I have said and then actually did. If this opportunity comes to fruition it will be added to that list.

Think and pray and ask God to show you what in your life you have dismissed because it didn’t seem like a good fit. Maybe you need to ask one more question to discover the facts before you make a decision.

Tomorrow I will visit someone to ask my one more question.

Brenda Garrison is an author and speaker who empowers women with the confidence to live their calling. Brenda is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Ministry Leadership with a Concentration in Women’s Ministry at Moody Bible Institute. She and her husband, Gene, are the parents of three young adult daughters and live near Metamora, IL.

2 thoughts on “Ask One More Question

  1. What great advice! Especially for those of us who should have asked one more question before we jumped into something with both feet! Asking more questions also seems a good way to let the person asking see how the fit may not be right, and saves hurt feelings of rejection.

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